8/6: 23 days before the adventure begins.

¡Hola a todos! Hello everyone!

Here I sit 23 days before my trip to Salamanca begins trying to figure out how the hell my blog works. I have been blessed with a scholarship from the department of study abroad at EIU and to return the favor of them graciously helping me out, I get to blog about my trip. Now, all of you folks can live vicariously through me, and keep up with me as I explore another chapter of my life.

Clearly, it’s a bit early for anything really exciting to happen yet, but I just wanted to get a headstart on the blog so that I wasn’t lost as ever whenever I began the process at a later date.

It is starting to hit me though that, holy crap, I’m leaving for Spain in 23 days and I am going to get totally rocked with the Spanish… ¡Ayúdame!  Surely though, The Lord will be with me every step of the way! Keep posted as the days draw near and I’ll do what I can to keep y’all informed.

God Bless!

